A hearty congratulations to the following newly elected and continuing board members and officers. These outstanding women were duly elected at WHF's annual member meeting on May 26, 2021.
Election of new Directors to the WHF Board of Directors:
- Lovaeta Amoako, New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)
- Alice Anigacz, Community Preservation Corporation (CPC)
- Anivelca Cordova, Lemle & Wolff
- Katie Devine, Rockabill
- Stephanie Mavronicolas, New York City Housing Development Corporation (NYC HDC)
- Kirsten Shaw, Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF)
- Jenny Wu, Jonathan Rose Companies
Re-Election of current board Directors to second term (board members can serve two consecutive two-year terms per role):
- Gloribel Cruz, TD Bank
- Corey Eilhardt, Citi
Re-Election of Officer to second term (board members can serve two consecutive two-year terms per role):
- Co-VP Programs: Joanna Kandel, Camber Property Group
Election of Directors to officer positions:
- President: Niki Tsismenakis, Goldstein Hall PLLC
- Deputy to the President: Emily Kurtz, Riseboro
- Secretary: Akiko Kyei-Aboagye, Urban Architectural Initiatives
- Treasurer: Susan Calderon, Community Development Trust
- VP Operations: Kristin Nelson, The Community Builders
- Co-VP Programs: Tatiana Gutierrez, Nixon Peabody
- VP Communications: Julie Gonzalez, NYC HDC
A big thanks the following board members for their years of service to WHF as they step down from the board this year:
- Julie Behrens, NYS HCR
- Amy Boyle, NYC Mayor’s Office
- MyPhuong Chung
- Karen Heller, Houlihan Lawrence Commercial Group
- JaVonna James, APEX
- Blanca Ramirez, Hudson Housing Capital
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