Niki Tsismenakis, Goldstein Hall PLLC
"WHF provides a forum for thoughtful discussions with women in housing and finance who can elevate each other through their work and words."
Deputy to the President
Amy Chandra, Forsyth Street Advisors
"WHF serves as my outlet to meet, support, and engage in open dialogue with others in the community development and housing industry."
Co-Vice President of Programs
Emily Chen, National Equity Fund
“WHF-NY is deliberate in its intentions to create community and strengthen relationships. It’s a joy to be a part of this organization.”
Co-Vice President of Programs
Sharmi A. Sobhan, JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
"WHF is an incredible network of professional women in the affordable housing industry, and I am thrilled and grateful to be part of such an impactful community."
Vice President of Communications
Leslie Cook, Soco Construction Co.
"WHF provides support and quality networking opportunities from trusted women in the affordable housing/community development community. I am grateful for the passionate and innovative women I have developed relationships with and continue to meet."
Vice President of Membership
Danielle Ash, Adler & Stachenfeld LLP
"WHF has provided me an extraordinary opportunity to meet and learn from a wide array of professionals in the affordable housing and community development industry – which, in turn, has helped me push my career in commercial real estate in new and exciting directions. I love being a part of the WHF network."
Alice Anigacz, The Community Builders
“WHF is the most invaluable professional network I have ever encountered. Beyond their many professional abilities and accomplishments, I am humbled by how supportive, approachable, and eager to share their expertise this group’s members have always been, and have continued to be throughout the difficult past year plus.”
Akiko Kyei-Aboagye, Urban Architectural Initiatives
"Among professional organizations, I find WHF unique in that it’s genuinely focused on learning and sharing perspectives from among its diverse membership. WHF’s role in fostering worthwhile discussion and exchange is truly valuable to all of us working to build better housing and better communities."
Polina Bakhteiarov, NHP Foundation
“WHF is a great way to meet professionals from across the industry in low-stakes, fun settings. I particularly enjoy the Mentorship Program because it has allowed me to connect with the next generation of great minds who will transform our city. Whether you’re a veteran or new to the industry or to New York, you’ll always learn something at a WHF event and meet great people, some of whom will definitely become your business partners.”

Joya Cohen, Merchants Capital
WHF has been a solid support group full of interesting people and great career advice, which I have relied upon often. I am grateful to be part of such a lovely group that is always welcoming to new people and looking for ways to help its members grow.
Anivelca Cordova, Lemle & Wolff
“I am excited to serve on the Board of WHF alongside a group of women who are strong and dedicated leaders.”
Shira Gidding, True Development New York
"WHF creates opportunities for women across many parts of this industry and at various stages in their careers to network, socialize, share ideas, support, and inspire one another. I’m grateful and excited to be involved."
Valerie Leon, NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development
"WHF to me means joining an extraordinary network of change agents driving innovation and equity in the affordable housing industry. I look forward to contributing my expertise to support the growth of our field and collaborating with inspiring leaders dedicated to creating generational impact in NYC."
Morgan Magistro-Capuozzo, Bronx Pro Group
“WHF is an amazing organization that connects women from all parts of financing and housing, giving them the opportunity and space to share experiences and empower each other.”
Stephanie Mavronicolas, New York City Housing Development Corporation
"WHF represents a dynamic group of individuals from a wide-range of backgrounds and expertise. This makes for an excellent forum for the affordable housing industry to come together to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and grow professionally."
Neysha N. Mejía, Pratt Institute
“During my last year in WHF I’ve been fortunate to attend talks by truly creative and captivating women, and I’ve also had the privilege of meeting incredible individuals who’ve become both friends and mentors, offering invaluable professional guidance along the way.”
Silky Misra, National Urban League
“WHF is a tremendously valuable organization committed to fostering success among a diverse group of women in the housing and finance sector. I am enthusiastic about the chance to join the Board and contribute to further strengthen this community.”
Brandie Moreno, The Community Preservation Corporation
“I enjoy WHF because if offers an easygoing setting to share information and provide support.”
Michelle Ponce, Slate Property Group
“WHF has been a very supportive and engaging forum where I have had the opportunity to meet incredible women in real estate and finance. The mentorship program was an invaluable experience, and I will always be grateful for it.”
Kirsten Shaw, LIIF
“WHF is a place that combines knowledge-sharing, networking, and fun. There is so much variety in the events, activities, and other ways members come together. It’s an incredible group of interesting, ambitious professional women who help each other advance their work.”
Eunice Suh, Monadnock Development
"WHF is an amazing organization that connects and builds community through its professional development and networking events. Events are inspiring, informative, and fun! There is always something new to learn in housing and this is a great space for continued growth."

Suzanna Tharian, STAT Architecture
"In a competitive city like New York, WHF fosters a collaborative atmosphere for its members. It is inspiring to be part of this group doing such meaningful work."
Eu Ting-Zambuto, Mountco Construction and Development Corp.
“WHF is a truly supportive network of professionals in the industry. It has provided a rare and invaluable forum to share experiences and thoughts and gain insights.”
Sarah Williams, Procida Companies
“WHF has been an invaluable organization that has a genuine interest in encouraging a diverse group of women within the housing and finance community to succeed. Their Program focuses on networking, education, collaboration and support that provides a professional space to develop relationships and growth. It is an honor to serve on their Board.”
Mica Wilson, Capital One, National Association
“The work we do strengthens communities throughout the country. It's equally important for women in the housing industry to have access to a strong community that encourages and empowers them. I'm excited to help build this community!”
Jenny Wu, Jonathan Rose Companies
“WHF is an inclusive community that supports women at all stages of their professional development. The network and community of members, plus all the programming is such a valuable resource for women in the housing and finance industry.
Cynthia D. Lewis
Lois B. Bernstein (1940-2018)
Gina L. Bolden-Rivera, Bolden-Rivera & Associates, LLC
Caroline Harris, Goldman Harris LLC
Beth Cooper Lawrence
Laura Lazarus, Anthos|Home
Alison Novak, Humane Works
Phyllis Ann Santry, Esq.
Jennifer Trepinski, Corporation for Supportive Housing
Amie Gross, Amie Gross Architects
Deborah Van Amerongen, Nixon Peabody
*Affiliations for information only