This position supports the Columbia Population Research Center, the Center on Poverty and Social Policy, and two of its affiliated research projects, the Robin Hood-supported Poverty Tracker and Early Childhood Poverty Tracker. Reporting to the Project Directors on these two projects, the incumbent will be responsible for overseeing data management for the two studies, including maintaining existing data management structure, updating that structure in response to new research questions, developing quality assurance checks, data cleaning, subject compensation, preparing secure data contracts, and other research-related activities as assigned.
Launched in 2012 and conducted in partnership with the Robin Hood Foundation, the Poverty Tracker is a groundbreaking study of disadvantage in New York City. Unlike typical surveys of poverty that take an annual snapshot, the Poverty Tracker checks in with the same 4,000 households quarter after quarter for several years. Building off the work of the Poverty Tracker, the Early Childhood Poverty Tracker (ECPT) is a similar multi-year study of poverty and disadvantage that focuses households with young children. Data from these studies is used to gauge the level of disadvantage in New York City under comprehensive indicators of well being, as well in the analysis of federal, local, and state policy proposals.
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